Saturday 8 January 2011

"Snow Days" - a Photography Contest


Eek! My Point of View has been up for two months now and to celebrate the New Year, I have decided to host a photography contest - based on snow, of course. Care to enter? Read on...
Here is your challenge, dear readers: Take up to three photographs (or find them in your photo albums - I understand quite a few of you have faced a lack of snow this season) to do with the theme - I leave the meaning of "Snow Days" up to you - and post them on your blog with a simple explanation of why you chose them. Make sure the explanation does not exceed three hundred words. Obviously, the photographs need to be your own creation. Edited/watermarked is fine.

The contest will last for two weeks, from January 5th to January 19th. Entries posted before/after those dates will not be counted. I hope this gives you more than enough time to complete the challenge; if there are any concerns, feel free to email me.
If you are interested, the photographs will be judged by me and my dad, who just so happened to be a whiz with an SLR back in the day. Sigh.

The prizes will be:
First place: An award featuring your prize photograph, your blog button on my sidebar in the name of this contest (and me happily Following your blog if I haven't done so already), a complete custom design makeover by Kiki from Tabby Cat Designs (the fabulous gal who designed this blog!) and anexclusive interview with me - on this blog!
Second place: An award featuring one of your photographs and a custom header, button, and background by Kiki from Tabby Cat Designs. I will also give you the opportunity to be featured on this blog if you wish.
Third place: A small award featuring one of your photographs and a custom header by Kiki from Tabby Cat Designs.
Honerable mention photographers will recieve a small award.

How do I enter? Simple! (Unfortunately, entires will not be counted if you do not complete this checklist.)
1. You should must be a Follower of My Point of View. Hey, I'm trying to gain some popularity here! Please?
2. Publish the photographs on your blog with their descriptions.
3. Post about the contest on your blog, including the contest button (found on the sidebar on January 5th) and My Point of View's button.
4. Enter your name and the link to your post into the Linky Tool below.
Good luck!

Entry for "Snow Days" Photography Contest

This here is my entry for Swirly Girl's Photography Contest "Snow Days". I know this is a baking blog, but I also really like photography. I'm not very good, nor is this picture, but I'm just entering for fun :).

This is a photo I took of a snowflake with an angel in the background holding a penguin. Random, I know, but it doesn't look that bad... does it? Well anyway, I gave it a blue icy tint using Picnik. I chose this photo because it's the best one I had, and I like the focus in the foreground and the angel in the background.

I'll be adding a little photography here and there friends, so I hope that's okay with you. Tell me what you think!


Thursday 6 January 2011

Fluffy Cheesecake

This recipe I happened to make today, because I made it for Christmas and the cake was just soooo delicious! It's not heavy and full of raisins like normal cheesecakes, yet it comes out fluffy and tastes heavenly!

~2 1/2 cups crushed graham crackers (enough to cover the bottom of a 10-by-10 inch pie pan)
1/2 stick of butter (more if you need)
Around 2 lbs of farmers cheese (preferred) or Philadelphia cheese
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla flavoring
2 teaspoons lemon zest (optional)
2 tablespoons powdered sugar
2 cups heavy cream

First, preheat oven to 570 degrees Fahrenheit. Yes, 570. Then, in a large bowl, crush graham crackers until they are crumb-like. Add butter and mix together with hands until a ball has formed. If you need more butter, add it! Set the ball in the middle of a pie tin, approximately 10 inches by 10 inches. Spread the crust around the pan evenly. If you have extra, spread it along the sides of the pan, too. Put in fridge until batter has been done.

Now we move on to the batter. Mix the Farmer's cheese (or Philadelphia) with the sugar, adding more if needed. Add the two eggs, vanilla, and lemon zest and mix on high speed until the batter is somewhat light. Set aside. In another bowl, pour in heavy cream and add the powdered sugar. Mix on high speed until the cream resembles whipped cream, about 7-10 minutes. Carefully, fold in the cream mixture into the cheese mixture using a large spatula or large spoon. Do not use a mixer. Once the batter is well-mixed together, pour it into the prepared pie pan with the crust.

Put into the oven and set the timer for 10 minutes. In ten minutes, reduce the temperature to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Bake for another 25-35 minutes, until the top is very brown (it should look like its almost burning) and then turn the heat off. Leave in the oven for a good 30 minutes until taking it out

My cheesecake above which I made today, sorry that the photo is so unprofessional :P Oh yeah, and by the way, your cheesecake might crack a bit at the top like mine.

Enjoy your cheesecake! Please leave a comment:)


Sunday 26 December 2010

My favorite go-to Chocolate Cupcakes

These cupcakes are delicious and easy, and the best part is that you only use one bowl. They are light and fluffy, perfect for a snack or dessert. You can also make this recipe as a layered cake, I've tried and it turns out great. I like to top them off with MY version of swiss meringue butter cream and then cute sprinkles!

Makes about 24 cupcakes

3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (less if you don't want it too chocolaty)
1 1/2 cup sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
2 large eggs
3/4 cup warm water
3/4 cup buttermilk*
3 tablespoons vegetable oil (NOT olive!)
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

*if you don't have buttermilk -like me- use 3/4 cup milk plus 2 teaspoon white vinegar. I always use this method and it gives he cupcakes a nice edge.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. (200 degrees C) Put paper liners into a standard muffin tins. Set aside.
In a large bowl, mix together all the dry ingredients. Then add the eggs, warm water, buttermilk, oil and and vanilla. At first mix with a spoon, then change to mixer. Use a spatula to get around the sides of the bowl and the bottom. The mixture will be very runny; don't change the amounts of wet ingredients you put in.

Now comes the challenge of getting the batter into the tins. I usually like to use an ice cream scooper, but since this batter is so runny I pour some batter into a pitcher and use that. If there are drips, wipe them off so that they don't burn in the oven. Put the pans into the oven and bake for around 20 minutes. They will be ready when the tops spring back when touched and a toothpick inserted comes out clean.

Enjoy! Please leave a comment if you are willing to try or tried this recipe. I would love to hear how they came out! Also any questions and concerns are welcome. Thanks for reading!


Saturday 25 December 2010

Hi Everybody!

Welcome, friends, to Cupcake's World, a blog by me about baking.

I created this blog for sharing my love for baking with others. I've been baking ever since I was a little girl, and I want to inspire others with that oh-so-yummy looking cookie or that chocolate cake you were craving. Someday, I want to pursue baking, and I think this blog will help me get a good start!

Thanks for visiting, and I hope you enjoy Cupcake's World!
