
Eek! My Point of View has been up for two months now and to celebrate the New Year, I have decided to host a photography contest - based on snow, of course. Care to enter? Read on...
Here is your challenge, dear readers: Take up to three photographs (or find them in your photo albums - I understand quite a few of you have faced a lack of snow this season) to do with the theme - I leave the meaning of "Snow Days" up to you - and post them on your blog with a simple explanation of why you chose them. Make sure the explanation does not exceed three hundred words. Obviously, the photographs need to be your own creation. Edited/watermarked is fine.
The contest will last for two weeks, from January 5th to January 19th. Entries posted before/after those dates will not be counted. I hope this gives you more than enough time to complete the challenge; if there are any concerns, feel free to email me.
If you are interested, the photographs will be judged by me and my dad, who just so happened to be a whiz with an SLR back in the day. Sigh.
The prizes will be:
First place: An award featuring your prize photograph, your blog button on my sidebar in the name of this contest (and me happily Following your blog if I haven't done so already), a complete custom design makeover by Kiki from Tabby Cat Designs (the fabulous gal who designed this blog!) and anexclusive interview with me - on this blog!
Second place: An award featuring one of your photographs and a custom header, button, and background by Kiki from Tabby Cat Designs. I will also give you the opportunity to be featured on this blog if you wish.
Third place: A small award featuring one of your photographs and a custom header by Kiki from Tabby Cat Designs.
Honerable mention photographers will recieve a small award.
How do I enter? Simple! (Unfortunately, entires will not be counted if you do not complete this checklist.)
1. You
2. Publish the photographs on your blog with their descriptions.
3. Post about the contest on your blog, including the contest button (found on the sidebar on January 5th) and My Point of View's button.
4. Enter your name and the link to your post into the Linky Tool below.
Good luck!